Coffee Flyer Template
This flyer/poster was designed to promote food company events. But it can also be used for other advertising purposes. It has real modern style, with effects and photos included in the package.
What's included:
- 1 Psd File
- 1 Help Guide
- Print Ready
- A4 Size / 21×29,7 cm + Bleeds • 300 dpi / CMYK
- Simple to Customize
- Well Organized Layers
- Photos included
- Free Fonts
In case you come across any problem, please contact me on my contact page. I hope you enjoy it. Nina
License Info
This template are free to use for personal use only.
Personal License - this license is for one user only. You can use it on multiple computers or other devices but only one person should have access to the template. Good for freelance artists, students, hobbyists.
For extended licences:
Commercial License - For companies or teams where multiple people will watch or use the template.
Extendend Commercial - For companies or teams where multiple people will watch or use the template. Unlimited Impressions of Advertisements. Use with multiple business social media accounts permitted.